So we have done the hard work for you (there really is no excuses for date night!) and made a list of 21 fun questions to ask a guy (by category!)

Thinking of questions can be pretty hard. Plus after you ask these questions you might get a really good sign if he’s interested (or not). It might be questions to get to know them better on an intimate level or just really PG rated questions to see if the two of you are a good match! You might like to ask questions about his family, his previous relationships or just random fun questions about life – the choice is entirely yours. Simply, make a list of the 21 questions you would like to know about your SO and they will do the same about you. What I love most about this game is how simple and easy it is.
If you think gee I would really like to know X but don’t know the right way to go about asking – put your question as one of 21 questions, make it a fun game and he will be none the wiser – trust me! How to play 21 questions with a guy? These questions are equally quite fun in a group of friends. This is such a fun game as you really can know your date partner on a deeper, more intimate level. Try 21 questions to ask a guy if you want to get to know someone better or alternatively if you are already in a committed relationship and want to dive further into the deep and meaningfuls together.