It’s easy to digress into what-ifs, and I fear I might be doing that right now, but coming back to Cersei-had she successfully abolished Ned to the Wall, she’d be the woman who diffused the ticking time-bomb that is Westeros. Furthermore, Winterfell doesn’t burn, Maester Luwin and the rest of Winterfell’s inhabitants don’t die, and Theon can still enjoy a lunchtime sausage without being emasculated.

Had Ned taken the black, Robb never raises his banners or goes to war, he never spurns Walder Frey, and he never hears the Lannister’s regards. Cersei almost singlehandedly prevented war, had it not been for Joffrey and his sadistic, bloodthirsty urges. She didn’t want him to die, and smartly offered him the option to join the Night’s Watch, thus ensuring no northern backlash would result. Cersei did not kill Ned, she merely played the game of thrones better than him. And yet, despite that the cause of all of this madness starts with the two Tully sisters, it is Cersei that comes off horribly. From there, the dominos fall quickly, starting with Jaime’s attack on Ned in King’s Landing and ending with Ned’s head being held above the Sept of Baelor by the human embodiment of filth that is Janos Slynt.
#Searchy lanister full
Catelyn, despite full awareness of her sister’s lunacy, blindly provides the spark of war when she captures Tyrion Lannister. Lysa killed her husband, the Hand of the King, and told Catelyn that the Lannisters did it. Those two sisters are Lysa Arryn and Catelyn Stark. And now that show-watchers know that Jon Arryn was not murdered by Cersei, or any Lannister for that matter, but rather by Littlefinger and Lysa Arryn, I can prove that all of this fighting was the result of two other women-sisters-who with their sheer incompetence, ruined Westeros.

But I would argue that her forced execution of Lady is actually the worst thing she does in the series. Starting with an ice-cold glance upon her arrival at Winterfell in the pilot episode, and then her ordered killing of Sansa’s direwolf, Lady, in the second episode, Cersei did little to gather a supportive following from the audience. From the very beginning, viewers (and readers) have been explicitly instructed to despise Cersei. Following the successful operation, Windy awarded the spacer 100 credits.After last night’s episode of Game of Thrones, “First of His Name”, I can finally write an article I’ve been wanting to for a while-a defense of Cersei Lannister. Ultimately, the spacer found Blix, and killed him and the other thugs. He told the spacer to do what he had to do. Windy did not believe that Blix would let himself be brought back alive again. Windy tasked the spacer with one final task, which was to find Blix and his cronies. Unfortunately, shortly after the evidence was brought to Windy, Blix's cohorts broke into town and helped Blix escape Anchorhead.

The spacer was once again awarded another 30 credits. The spacer brought the blaster back to an impressed Windy, who was now certain that Blix could be brought to justice. On Gleezwuq's person was the same blaster that Blix used in his murder of Alita. The spacer managed to find the Rodian gang member, and killed him. He was sure that Gleezwuq would have evidence which would implicate Blix in his murder of Alita Sweetwater. Gleezwuq was the only member of Blix's gang that Windy did not know the location of. Windy also wanted the spacer to find one of Blix's gang members, a Rodian named Gleezwuq. Yet the situation with Blix did not end there. He even said the spacer should consider a career as a security officer. Blix was brought back to Windy, who paid the spacer 30 credits in thanks. The spacer agreed to carry out the task, and found Blix shortly thereafter. The events in this section may or may not have been confirmed as canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity. Any alternate stories may be noted in the " Behind the scenes" section. This section of the article assumes 100% game completion.