This makes them one of the best hitchhikers. This makes them hard to see as they are able to camouflage into your suitcase, bags and furniture among other items in which they are transported to other areas. They are also rampant behind wallpapers, in tiles and in furry clothes. These are discussed in detail as follows: Flat and small bodies: Since bed bugs are small-bodied and most importantly flat, they are able to cunningly hide in crevices and cracks in walls and mattresses. What factors determine their survival? There are several factors that determine the survival rate of bed bugs. Their body is responsible for the easy entry into these areas and this highly increases their chances of survival even given the presence of a sprayed insecticide. Bed bugs like hiding in crevices, spaces within wooden structures, holes in walls or mattresses and clothing.

This is just the first generation and nearly 5 other subsequent generations are produced in a year. When the eggs are availed with room temperature, then they can hatch in about 7 days and maturity of the straw-colored, pin-head-sized nymphs takes about a month under conditions of 70-80☏. This means that it will require a blood-meal. Just like many other organisms, the female bed bug needs a particular fortified diet so that it can be able to lay viable eggs.

Eggs are laid in places that are able to confer security and invisibility so that they hatch successfully. It is within the period between the molts that the bed bug feeds on blood and this is necessary for its survival. The life cycle of a bed bug involves about 5 molts. You shouldn’t confuse bed bugs with cockroaches, ticks or other household insects with this description. They have an oval shaped body are further flattened. Adult bed bugs are about 3/16” long and reddish-brown in color. Cimex Hemipterus Before you can go into how long a bed bug lives, it is important to understand how they look as some of these characteristic features are responsible for the adaptation they get against your treatments. The latter is more dominant in the tropical belt and are responsible for the vast infestations seen. Bed bugs are identified by their biological name, Cimex spp and there are a variety of species with the common ones being Cimex lecturalis, Cimex adjuctus and Cimex hemipterus. In short, these arthropods have built a formidable irk in people’s lives. There have been several suggested ways in which bed bugs can be eliminated but most of them hit a snag as return manifests so quickly that your efforts are demeaned. They cause discomfort, reduce the quality of life, hard to eliminate and above all, are ugly-looking. How long do bed bugs live after spraying? How long can Bed Bugs Live? Humans have lived with bed bugs for centuries and for more than 30 years, there have been cries against infestations that never seem to end.